PowerTunes > Help > Switching a library's media folder

Switching a library's media folder

If you have a library that is using music in one media folder, but you'd like to change it to point to the music from another media folder, you can use the "Switch Media Folder" command in the Library menu in PowerTunes to do so. A sheet will be displayed that lets you choose what media folder you would like to switch the selected library over to. PowerTunes will change the library's media folder and open up the library so that iTunes can have a chance to update its database with the new locations of all the music and video files in the library.

When selecting a new media folder, in order for iTunes to be able to recognize where the songs are located in the new folder, the new media folder must have the same organization as the old media folder did. If there is a track that does not exist in the new media folder, or is not located in the same subfolder, or has a different filename, then that track will continue to refer to its music file in the old location. If you do a switch and have some of these "stray tracks" that are still in the old media folder, you can use the "Organize Library…" command (located in the File menu, under the Library submenu) in iTunes. In the window that comes up, check the "Consolidate Files" checkbox, then click OK. iTunes will copy any files from their locations outside the media folder into the new media folder and update its database so that all its tracks point to the files inside the new media folder.

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